SINGAPORE: Upgrading work under the Home Improvement Program (HIP) has been completed for almost all eligible Housing Board flats that were built up to 1986.
A total of 320,000 flats were eligible for the scheme.
Work has been completed for about 95 per cent of the flats, while 4 per cent are undergoing upgrading, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) said on Sunday (Apr 2).
The remaining 1 per cent has not been polled. Home improvement works can only proceed when at least 75 per cent of a block’s eligible Singaporean households vote in favor of it.
HIP, which was implemented in 2007, focuses on improvements within the flat. These may include repairing structural cracks, installing new doors, better sanitary fittings in bathrooms and retractable clothes drying racks.
There are three main components to upgrade.
Essential improvements such as the repair of spalling concrete are fully paid for by the government. Optional works, which most residents pay for, include toilet upgrading packages.
The third component, the Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) programme, offers elderly-friendly fittings such as grab bars, ramps and slip-resistant floor treatments.
HDB said on Sunday that about 283,900 households have had elderly-friendly fittings installed under the EASE program – either together with the Home Improvement Program or direct application for those whose blocks do not qualify for HIP.
From Apr 4, the EASE program will be expanded to include features such as wheelchair lifters, which were previously offered as part of a pilot.
“The wheelchair lifter can be a solution for flats where ramps cannot be installed due to site constraints,” noted HDB.
For flats with more than three steps at the entrance, eligible home owners can opt for a customized ramp.
“Such ramps are fabricated according to the configuration of the unit’s entrance and space, subject to site assessment,” said HDB.