Does Having a Bathtub Increase My Home’s Resale Value? Drury Design

Some form of a bathtub inside the house has been common since the mid-19th century. The primary or master bathroom as we know it today has been standard on all new homes since 1980, so it only seems natural to assume that a bathtub has to be in a primary bathroom. But what if you don’t take baths? Does it make sense to invest in a bathtub if you’ll never use it? What if you don’t really have room for a bathtub?

Baths just aren’t a thing for many people, much like dining rooms. Getting rid of them can win space in your own home for the things that actually cater to your personal needs and ways of living. In my last 15 years of designing bathrooms, I’d say that only about 15% to 20% of my clients take baths. So, the question becomes, “Do I have to have one for resale”?

The answer to this is no, you don’t need to have a bathtub in a primary bathroom, especially if there is another bathtub in your home. Having a bath somewhere in the house can be important for resale, though. If a family with little ones moves in, they’ll need a tub. Some homebuyers have joint/muscle issues and need a tub, or at least anticipate such a need.

But think of it this way – if you plan to be in your home for the next 10-15 years, you need to invest in a space that is suitable for your needs. Why spend money on a bathroom remodel that’s focused on the next owner’s needs, way down the road? A new owner might come in and tear out your bathroom anyway, because it might feel outdated by then or maybe it just doesn’t suit their needs.